113學年度 第2學期 行事曆 【與研究生相關】
Schedule for Spring Semester 2023~2024 (Graduate related)
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113學年度 第2學期 行事曆 【與研究生相關】
日期Date |
說明Event |
1.13 |
寒假開始 Winter Vacation begins |
1.20 |
預選課開始(2.3 12:00pm結束) Preliminary course selection begins (ends at 12pm, Feb.3) |
1.27~1.31 |
農曆春節假期 Chinese New Year Holiday |
1.31 |
第一學期結束 Fall semester ends 研究生學位論文考試結束 Thesis examination for graduate students ends 博士學位候選人資格考核結束 Assessment for doctoral candidate qualification ends |
2.3 |
預選課結束(12:00) Preliminary course selection ends (till 12:00 noon) |
2.8 |
補行上班(1.27除夕前一日放假) |
2.10 |
第一階段加退選開始 First stage course-adding/drop begins |
2.14 |
寒假結束 Winter vacation ends 本學期註冊截止、復學申請截止 Registration ends. Application for return to school ends 第一階段加退選結束 (12:00) 第二階段加退選開始 (20:00) Second stage course-adding/drop begins(8:00pm) 本學期註冊繳費截止 Registrations ends |
2.17 |
開學日(本學期上課開始)Spring semester begins 研究生博士學位候選人申請資格考核申請開始 Application for doctoral candidate assessment begins 研究生學位論文考試申請開始 Application for thesis examination begins (for graduate students) 學生英文畢業門檻開始收件 Application for English graduation threshold begins |
2.24 |
第二階段加退選結束(12:00) Second stage course-adding/drop ends (till 12:00 noon) |
2.28 |
和平紀念日 Peace Memorial Day(holiday) |
3.1 |
研究生上網維護指導教授名單開始 The graduate students maintain the list of advisor online begins (ends on March 31) |
3.3 |
研究生博士班候選人資格考核申請截止 Application for the assessment of doctoral candidate qualification ends (for Ph.D. students) |
3.31 |
研究生上網維護指導教授名單截止 The graduate students maintain the list of advisor online (ends on March 31) |
4.3~4.4 |
放假 Holiday |
4.11 |
研究生學位論文考試申請截止 Due day of seminar paper posted by graduating students online 應屆畢業研究生上網登錄研討會論文發表書面收件截止 Application for thesis examination ends (for graduate students) |
4.14~4.18 |
本學期第9周(含期中考周) Mid-term examination period (Ninth week of the semester) |
5.30~5.31 |
端午節 Dragon Boat Festival (holiday) |
6.7 |
畢業典禮 Graduation Ceremony |
6.13 |
第二學期休學申請截止Due day for drop-out application |
6.16~6.20 |
第二學期最後一周(含期末考周) Final examination period (The last week of the semester) |
6.23 |
暑假開始Summer vacation begins |
7.31 |
第2學期結束 Spring semester ends 研究生學位論文考試結束 Examination for graduate student thesis ends 博士學位候選人資格考核結束 Assessment of doctoral candidate qualification ends |