


畢業團照、校園巡禮、研究所授證及正冠典禮如下,詳細資訊請參考 HERE

The information for Graduation Ceremony is as below. For details, please click HERE


  1. 畢業團照 Graduation Photographic Schedule

    時間 Time:10:15-10:20  6/9 (Fri.), Group A   
    地點 Location:第一教學大樓前(史懷哲大道) Schweitzer Blvd (in front of First Teaching Building)
    備註 Note: 
    1. 若遇雨天,改於國際學術研究大樓中庭實施。
     In case of rain, it will take place at the lobby of International Academic Research Building instead.

    2. 請各系、所師長及畢業生依照所分配畢業照時間 5 分鐘前到達現場準備照相。
     Please wear your master gown and please arrive at your photoshoot 5 minutes in advance.

    3. 各研究所若欲單獨與師長合照者,請另行於 5 月 4 日前向學務處課外活動組提出,將安排於各系所畢業照完成後再執行。
     If the students of the Master and/or the Ph.D. program wish to take photos with their professors, please submit the requests to Office of Student Affairs by 5/4. It will be arranged after the scheduled photo


  2. 校園巡禮 Graduation  Ceremony - Campus Tour
    時間 Time:6/10 (Sat.), 8:00-8:10 a.m. 各系、所畢業生至杜聰明大道集合完畢 All graduate students gather by Tsung-Ming Tu Blvd   
           6/10 (Sat.), 8:10-8:50 a.m. 校園巡禮 Campus tour 
    地點 Place:杜聰明大道集合 The Square in front of International Academic Research Building
    備註 Note:畢業生須穿著畢業服並配帶胸花。巡禮結束,隊伍全體進入國研大樓國際會議中心 A 廳(600 人)及各會場就位。 Please wear your master gown and the corsage. After campus tour, all ceremony participants enter International Academic Research Building, Hall A.
  3. 全校畢業典禮流程 Graduation Ceremony - Morning Schedule
    時間 Time: 9:00-10:55, 6/10 (Sat.)
    地點 Place:國研大樓國際會議中心 A 廳舉行,同步連線 B 廳) International Academic Research Building, Hall A (*live ceremony, Hall B *vedio streaming) 
    備註 Note:畢業生須穿著畢業服並配帶胸花。 Please wear your master gown and the corsage.

  4. 研究所授證及正冠典禮流程 Graduation Ceremony - Afternoon Schedule-Reception 
    Time of "Degree Awarding and Diploma Granting" for graduate students.
    時間 Time:14:00-15:50, 6/10 (Sat.) 
    地點 Place:國研大樓國際會議中心 A 廳 International Academic Research Building, Hall A 
    備註 Note:畢業生須穿著畢業服並配帶胸花,並請14:00前到場報到。 Please wear your master gown and the corsage and arrive 10 minutes in advance.

  5. 畢業服歸還 Gown Return
    Returning Time/Place: 10:00-17:00, 6/10, on 1st floor at Li-Hsueh Bldg.105研究所畢典正冠流程邀請函




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