




The information for Graduation Ceremony is as below. For details, please click  HERE.

1.畢業團照 Graduation Photographic Schedule
時間 Time9:50-9:55, 6/8 (Fri.), Group B
地點 Location:第一教學大樓前(史懷哲大道) Schweitzer Blvd (in front of First Teaching Building)
備註 Note
1. 若遇雨天,改於國際學術研究大樓中庭實施。
 In case of rain, it will take place at the lobby of International Academic Research Building instead.
2. 請各系、所師長及畢業生依照所分配畢業照時間10 分鐘前至準備位置準備照相,面對教學大樓左側為A組,右側為B組。
 Please wear your master gown andplease  arrive and gather at your photoshoot 10 minutes in advance.When your face the 1st teaching building, the left side is Group A and the right side is Group B.
3.各組準備位置為左右側,照完往後疏散。請注意個人貴重物品。Prepare at the side of your group. After took photo, go backward for dismiss. Please take good personal luggage.

2.校園巡禮 GraduationCeremony -Campus Tour

時間 Time6/9 (Sat.), 8:00-8:10 a.m. 各系、所畢業生至杜聰明大道集合完畢 All graduate students gather by Tsung-Ming Tu Blvd
       6/9 (Sat.),8:10-8:50 a.m. 校園巡禮 Campus tour
地點 Place:杜聰明大道集合 The Square in front of International Academic Research Building
備註 Note:畢業生須穿著畢業服並配帶胸花。巡禮結束,隊伍全體進入國研大樓國際會議中心 A (600 )及各會場就位。 Please wear your master gown and the corsage. After campus tour, all ceremony participants enter International Academic Research Building, Hall A.

3.全校畢業典禮流程 Graduation Ceremony - Morning Schedule

時間 Time 9:00-10:55, 6/9 (Sat.)
地點 Place:國研大樓國際會議中心 A 廳舉行,同步連線 B ) International Academic Research Building, Hall A (*live ceremony, Hall B *vedio streaming)
備註 Note:畢業生須穿著畢業服並配帶胸花。 Please wear your master gown and the corsage.

4.研究所授證及正冠典禮流程 Graduation Ceremony - Afternoon Schedule-Reception
Time of "Degree Awarding and Diploma Granting" for graduate students.

時間 Time 11:30-12:45, 6/9 (Sat.)
地點 Place
:國研大樓國際會議中心 A 廳舉行 International Academic Research Building, Hall A
備註 Note畢業生須穿著畢業服並配帶胸花,並請準時入場。 Please wear your master gown and the corsage, and arrive on time. 


5.畢業服歸還 Gown Return
Returning Time/Place: 10:00-17:00,  6/9, on 1st floor at Li-Hsueh Bldg.



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